About Our Chapter

Established in 1988, the CFMA Metro Detroit Chapter prides itself on the welcoming, forward-thinking, diverse, fun, and professional nature of our group of members. CFMA is the primary forum for education and networking among today’s construction financial managers. Dedicated to excellence, all of CFMA’s educational programs provide unique opportunities for the exchange of information and technical support, networking referrals, and employment opportunities. What started as an informal gathering of construction financial executives 30 years ago, the CFMA continues to provide its members with timely, critical information regarding analyses on tax, accounting, and legal issues affecting the construction industry. 


Our Chapter has been awarded numerous national awards over the years signifying the Board’s commitment to a successful Chapter. Metro Detroit most recently won Chapter of the Year in 2020. We provide exceptional education and networking opportunities that allow members to grow as employees, leaders, and individuals within our industry and community. And many lifelong friendships have formed and developed throughout our membership.


Whether you are new to the industry or a lifelong member, CFMA offers the benefit of personal and professional growth and a diverse peer network found in no other association.


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