
The construction industry becomes more complex each year and the role of the construction financial manager follows that trend. The reality the industry faces is that no one can fully see over the horizon. Our best plans are put into motion each day. We need skilled individuals in place who can properly manage those plans and have the knowledge to make the necessary adjustments and decisions. A CCIFP is the bridge between where you are and your final destination.


Who Is a CCIFP?
The Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional (CCIFP) is someone who has voluntarily met the required certification criteria regarding education, experience, and a demonstrated understanding of the industry’s body of knowledge. A CCIFP values and maintains the highest possible standards of knowledge, competence, and ethical behavior – as high as any other profession on which businesses and the public rely. CCIFPs are recognized as leaders within their organizations and the industry as a whole and have met rigorous standards endorsed by national professional organizations. They stand out from the crowd as professionals with unique skills and a body of knowledge level of attainment over and above that of financial generalists.


Metro Detroit Local Member Deanna Baylor is the chapter's CCIFP Champion and can be reached at metrodetroit@cfma.org if you would additional information on any possible chapter study courses or member scholarships for taking the yearly exam. 


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